Margie Potter

Welcome to Margie Potter’s Campaign
for Nampa City Council District 6

Are you ready to drive change, literally and figuratively, in the great city of Nampa? My campaign is all about finding the balance between growth, development, and preserving our cherished agricultural lands while addressing your concerns about traffic and making sure our police force is well-supported without overtaxing our citizens.

Experience Matters

We can’t stop growth, but we can prepare for it and prepare it for our future generations.

Solving Traffic Troubles

I understand the daily frustrations of traffic congestion, and I am committed to investing in smart transportation solutions. I will work tirelessly to improve road infrastructure, enhance public transit, and encourage carpooling and biking options to reduce traffic bottlenecks and make your commute smoother.

Preserving Agricultural Heritage

I cherish Nampa’s agricultural lands just as much as you do, and I am dedicated to preserving these vital resources while promoting responsible growth. I will ensure that development respects our agricultural roots and protects the landscapes that make Nampa special.

Development with a Purpose

I believe in development that benefits all Nampa residents. My vision includes affordable housing initiatives that make it easier for first-time homebuyers to realize their dreams. I will foster public-private partnerships that lead to sustainable, community-driven development.

Supporting Our Police

I know that community safety is paramount. I am committed to providing the necessary resources for law enforcement without overburdening our citizens with excessive taxes. A well-funded police force ensures the safety and security Nampa deserves.

Your Voice Matters

I want to hear from you! Your concerns, ideas, and suggestions are essential to my campaign. I will hold regular town hall meetings, engage with community leaders, and listen to your feedback to shape policies effectively.

The Best Future for Nampa

Together, we can create a future where Nampa thrives, where our agricultural heritage is preserved, where traffic woes are a thing of the past, and where our police have the support, they need. Join me in driving progress, preserving our roots, and shaping a better Nampa for all.

Vote for Margie Potter

Your vote can have influence on our city. Support Margie Potter’s Campaign for Nampa City Council District 6 and let us move Nampa forward, together! Your support is vital for finding solutions, preserving our cherished way of life, and creating a prosperous and safe future for Nampa.

Contact Me

Have questions or want to get involved in my campaign? Reach out to me. I am here to listen and collaborate.

Email Me

☎ 208 615 9844

Thank you for being part of Margie Potter’s campaign. Together, we will keep Nampa great!!